A Letter from the Founder
For those that know me personally, most know that I am an intensely private person. While I relish in creating personal relationships with people from all walks of life and so many people who I have been lucky enough to make connections with through our company, sharing of myself online terrifies me more than the rip of that last labia strip.
But in honor of Small Business Saturday, I wanted to share a bit more of what’s been going on in our Small business with the rest of you!
So here’s to facing scary things!
For the past five years, hundreds of thousands of our products have been used by people to keep their kitties pretty, smooth and ingrown free. We have created a beautiful community with all of you amazing waxers around the world, many who I have gotten to know and love personally (shout out to all these babes! You know who you are!) and we’ve gotten the joy of supporting your small businesses in increasing their revenues through our wholesale and affiliate programs.
Through these years, so much has changed for me.. In the last three years, I’ve experienced the death of my father who was my best friend and biggest supporter, a global pandemic that put us all through tests that we never could have imagined, and a supply chain that tested all of our wits as we tried to adapt to doing business in a whole new environment.
All of this impacted me in ways that I never could have imagined. They say that turmoil brings truth, and for me this was definitely the case. The death of my father and quarantine had a profound impact that forced me to reckon with what was really important to me and whether or not I was really happy with some of the things in my life.
I’ve been in the beauty industry since the age of 16, and for the past 13 years I had been fortunate enough to be the co-owner of two successful salons in Denver. I’ve loved being a service provider, boss, mentor, educator and friend to so many amazing new stylists and esthis, but as we continued to grow I realized that the business had moved away from a lot of what was important to me. I was in a partnership and in a partnership compromise is essential, however I had compromised to a point where I had lost a lot of myself and what I wanted my business to be.
I was burned out, disheartened and not in love with what I was doing anymore.
But the one thing I did know was that my products had become my passion. Every day I woke up to see all of our waxers and solopreneur partners loving our products and sharing them with others. I loved working hard on formulations to create new products that had great ingredients and actually worked, and I loved working to build our community online. I loved supporting and partnering with other diverse entrepreneurs so we could all elevate together.
I knew that my product company was my happy place. I knew that I wanted to make sure that this company never strayed from the way that I wanted it to grow. I didn’t want it to be just about making money and hustling so hard that I couldn’t actually enjoy the life I had built and the loved ones that surrounded me. I wanted it to be about creating great products, making them accessible and affordable to all, building a tight knit team that enjoyed freedom, creativity and shared in the success as we grew. Working to live, instead of living to work. While following this dream meant leaving not only my partnership, salons, and the salon team I loved so much, at the end of the day I knew it was the right thing to do and that my team and all of you would support me.
So, I this year I brought you Zandi Land! This new brand is my heart on a platter and that’s definitely a scary thing!
But not only do we have the same products you know and love with a new website and packaging that is all grown up (and more sustainable!), we have so many other exciting things happening. Our new Deck Glow Bikini Brightening Serum, a formulation that I have been perfecting for over three years, is available right now. We also have Deck Love Soothing Ingrown Serum coming soon, and in the Spring a launch of a whole new Pro Shop with even more amazing things to help your business grow!
I’m so excited to grow and learn from all of you so we can bring even more of that good stuff to your shelves. I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and our business. I promise that in return I will always do my best to make sure Zandi Land is serving you the best in the biz!
I hope you all love it! And maybe just don’t tell me if you don’t. JK...kinda.
With love,